Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Friday, December 14, 2018

The Advent retreat is the most important retreat in the seminary of Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary Bodija, Ibadan. It is in fact, the statutory spiritual recollection prescribed by the Conciliar Fathers in the Decree on the Training of Priests (Optatam Totius), and in the Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis sacerdotalis, Article 108.

It is a week long programme designed exclusively for the spiritual reawakening and growth of the seminarians and formators alike. It is, a time to pray, rest, reflect and be alone with none but God.

The retreat was divided into four sections with different facilitators and venues.

1. The Philosophers……………… Years 1-3     Rev. Fr. Gilbert Fagbemi, Abeokuta Diocese.

2. The Theologians……………….  Years 4-6    Rev. Fr. John Konyeke, Issele-Uku Diocese.

3. Deacon Class……………………    Year 7     Rev. Fr. Joseph Abe, Osogbo Diocese.

4. The Formators                                 Very Rev. Fr. (prof.) Joseph Faniran, Catholic Institute of West Africa.


The seminary retained in its tranquil nature but in a more profound manner as seminarians and formators went about silently communing with God in whom lies their Faith and vocations.

The retreat was indeed a huge success, one whose fruits together with the monthly recollections will certainly linger on and help us stir through the storms of the coming days.


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