Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Department of Theology
Departmental Overview







Rev. Fr. Joseph Iyamah

Canon Law

Canon Law I,

Canon Law II,

Canon Law: Marriage and Procedural Law

Canon Law/Civil Law: Temporal Goods of the Church

Rev. Fr. Anthony Igbekele


Pastoral Liturgy

Practical Liturgy, Sacred Arts and Sacred Music, Introduction to Liturgy

Rev. Fr. Hubert Opara

Systematic Theology

Introduction to Theology,

Ecclesiology & Mariology,

Theological Method,

Sacramental Theology,

Theological Anthropology & Eschatology,

Aspects of Dogmatic Theology (Seminar)

Rev. Fr. Francis Adedara

Systematic Theology

Fundamental Theology,

An Evolutionary Creation,


Theology of the Trinity,

Practical Homiletics,

Aspects of Dogmatic Theology (Seminar)

Rev. Fr. Joseph Aniaga

Pastoral Theology

Christian Maturity,

Spiritual Direction, Elements of Priestly Spirituality

Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina


Introduction to Latin,

Advanced Latin, Church in the Roman Empire, Patrology & Ancient Christian Archeology,

Church History, Ancient and Medieval

Rev. Fr. Francis Adelabu

Biblical Theology

Old Testament Prophecy,

Introduction to Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew II,  Pentateuch and Historical books, Aspects of Biblical Theology.

Rev. Fr. Daniel Koumah

Moral Theology

Ministry of Sacrament of Reconciliation, Aspects of Moral Theology, Introduction to Prayers

Rev. Fr. Christopher Ojo


Principles of Accounting

Rev. Fr. Anthony Abegunde


Patrology & Ancient Christian Archeology,

Church History: Ancient and Medieval, Homiletics

Sr. Florence Oso, EHJ


Ecclesiology & Mariology,

Vatican II, Missiology,

Contemporary Christian Churches, Social Teaching of the Church

Rev. Fr. William Ikre, CSsR

Moral Theology

Fundamental Moral Theology,

Special Moral Theology: Human Sexuality,

Aspects of Moral Theology

Rev. Fr. Richard Omolade

Scripture & Religious Education

Luke & Acts of the Apostles,

Introduction to Scripture,


Inspiration: Pauline Corpus, Old Testament Psalms

Rev. Fr. Francis Adedigba

Islam and Arabic Studies,

Interreligious Dialogue and Ecumenism

Islamic Religious Studies

Rev. Fr. Joseph Anokerie

Church History

Church History: Modern & Contemporary

Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Bini, OMF CAP

Canon Law

Canon Law: Marriage& Procedural Law

Rev. Fr. Lawrence Putonor, SC


Applied Ethics

Rev. Fr. Wilfried Kouijzer

Pastoral Theology

Spiritual Discernment, History of Christian Spirituality, An Evolutionary Creation,

Spiritual Theology,

Hagiography – Life of the Saints

Rev. Fr. Anthony Omolade

Biblical Theology

Mark & Matthew,

Lit. & Theol. of John & Book of Revelation, History of Israel

Rev. Fr. C. Ozioko, Isch

Canon Law

Canon Law I: Organization of the People of God

Rev. Fr. Anthony Adeboyejo

Biblical Studies

John and Book of Revelation,

Hebrew and Catholic Epistles

Rev. Fr. Anthony Omodunbi


Mission, Ministry & Apostolate, Pastoral Theology, Principles of Liturgy

Rev. Fr. Peter Ezewuzie, OFM


Prophecy II, Wisdom Literature

Rev. Felix Ogunbisi.

African Traditional Religion

Introduction to African Traditional Religion,

Structure of WATR

Mr. Peniel Momoh


Greek Language (Elementary & Intermediate),

Biblical Greek


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