Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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The Seminary has always prided herself in the art of diligent research and pursuit of serious academic studies. This has resulted in the production of various publications, in different fields and disciplines.

The Philosophy Department publishes the Sage Magazine, a collection of articles, interviews and other pieces on various topics, written by students and lecturers alike.

The Voice Magazine is the school’s magazine which pays special attention to Theology but is not limited to it. It also fields researches from various disciplines and ecclesiastics are often interviewed on topical issues. 

Bodija Journal is the official academic journal of Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary. It is a philosophico-theological journal which is well-indexed and has great visibility. It welcomes well-researched and original contributions from academic experts in Philosophy and Theology. For more information: 

Bodija Link is the official newsletter of the Seminary, which is published annually. It gives a report of various important events that occurred in the Seminary during the course of the formation session.

With Jesus on my Side is a spiritual reflection booklet published annually by the Seminary in the month of November. The reflections are on daily readings during Mass and are written by members of the Formation Team. 

Free Available Publications

Click to view/download the particular publication you want.
1. The Voice, June 2024
2. Bodija Journal 2023
3. Bodija Studies, Volume 1, 2012-2017
4. Bodija Studies, Volume 2, 2012-2017
5. The Sage, Feb 2017, Number 30
6. The Voice, June 2017, Number 56


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