Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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The Church is in need of assistance in the training of future priests. In as much as it is the duty of the faithful to support its clergy, the training of priests is the duty of both the clergy and the laity. Nowadays there is an emphasis on building a self-sustaining Church in which the local Church would fend for itself and not depend too much on foreign assistance. This is evidenced in the drop in the foreign financial aid received in the past by the local Church.

In the past we have received benefaction from various persons and groups. To these, we remain ever grateful. We recall various groups and individuals among whom are priests and Bishops that have provided us with food items, live cows, a car, drugs among other things. We do pray for you every day, and we implore God's blessings on you.


However, we need to continue the work of serving God and His Church in training ministers for service in the vineyard. We therefore call on anyone who would like to assist either materially or spiritually.


For detailed enquiries, you may contact us through:

The Rector, Seminary of Ss Peter and Paul, PMB 5171, Secretariat PO, Bodija, Ibadan.
or e-mail us at

Funds received will be directed toward the payment of bills, feeding and provision of amenities necessary for formation. Where stated specifically, we do respect donors' intention where it is stated to use certain funds or materials for specific purposes.

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Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan. (SSPP)