Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Department of Theology
Course Description


SS/BTH/101 Introduction to Scripture

The course presents a general overview to the bible, providing reading tools to be able to navigate into the world of the Scriptures. The course focuses on the origin of the Bible, its nature and composition. The course will also examine what the Church documents today tell us about the Bible.

SS/BTH/102 Theology of Payer

SS/BTH/103 Principles of Sacramental Theology

The course provides a broad view of sacramental Theology in general. It takes into consideration the ecumenical dimension of sacraments, the meanings, history, and the views of some theologians, such as Ss. Ambrose, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas. In evaluating the different positions and contemporary trends in Sacramental Theology, the course reviews the works of Karl Rahner, Joseph Martos, and John Macquarie.

SS/BTH/104 Basic Elements of Christian Theology

This course is an introductory course to theology. It begins with a preliminary examination of some definitions of theology and goes on to treat some related issues namely: Divisions of theology, the sources of theology and the Three important traditions in Western Roman Catholic Theology, (Augustinian, Thomistic and Neo-Scholastic). The course further examines some of the contemporary methods or approaches to theology, (Transcendental, Hermeneutic, Correlation, Liberation and Analytic). It concludes with a preliminary introduction to some important Concepts and Themes in theology such as Revelation and Faith with special attention and study of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Word of God “Dei Verbum”.

SS/BTH/105 History of Christian Spirituality

The course studies the Christian Spirituality starting from the Early Church, including the monastic development, persecutions and the Earliest Church Fathers. The influences of St. Augustine and St. Benedict of Nursia are profoundly treated. An exposition of the Mendicant Orders: The Dominicans, the Franciscans and the Carmelites is followed by a study of mysticism; its place in Christian Spirituality and examples of its different forms. A study of the Protestant Reformation is followed by a study of the Society of Jesus and its missionary challenges. This paves the way for an in depth look into the following Missionary Societies and Congregations: the Comboni Missionaries, the Missionaries of Africa and the Society of the Divine Word. This is followed by a close look into African Christian Spirituality in the context of the African Traditional Religion. Finally the Spirituality of the Laity and current Ecclesial Movements are studied.

SS/BTH/106 Old Testament Psalms

This is course is critical introduction to the Psalter. It examines the Psalms as prayer of the time. Hence it is a course designed to assist in developing a greater appreciation for the Old Testament worshiping manual, the Psalms. This course looks at the historical development and the organization of the Psalter. It also aims to use the various literary genres found in the Psalms as paradigms for further study and worshipful reading in the book of Psalms. It also examines selected Psalms.

SS/BTH/107 Christian Maturity

SS/BTH/108 Patrology I

The course studies the history and doctrine of the African Church Fathers from Clement of Alexandria to Augustine of Hippo. It examines their role in the Trinitarian, Christological and Ecclesiological controversies and their contribution to the development of Christian doctrine. Hence, students are acquainted with the notion of Patrology and its related disciplines of Ancient Christian Writings and Patristics. Then they are introduced to the fathers of the Pre-Nicene Church as well as to the important primitive Christian writings. They are introduced to sub-apostolic writings as the Didache, Ignatius of Antioch and his letters, Justin and his apologetical writings, Irenaeus and his anti-heretical writings. Here they are introduced to such authors as Clement and Origen. Then they are presented with the beginning of Latin Theology through the literary activity of Tertullian.

SS/BTH/109 Theology of Liturgy

This course intends to make student have a grasp of what the theology of liturgy is all about. It will further highlight the general understanding of theological background of what is been celebrated within the ambience of liturgical celebrations. It will draw the attention of students to the fact that what is been carried out in the liturgy today is not a departure from the past. Students will be exposed to other topics that concern themselves with the life of the church with reference to liturgy. Such topics include: Teaching of the Conciliar Constitution, Liturgical Year, the Holy Mass, Liturgy and Bible, Liturgical Books, Liturgical Law, Liturgy and Christian Life, and Creative Liturgy-Liturgical Inculturation. The course will also examine Liturgical Theology as the elucidation of the understanding of worship as the public act of the church, hence, clarifying the connection between this public act and the church. And lastly, it will study the whole phenomenon of Christian worship in both historical manifestations and contemporary realization attempting to articulate its theological content.

SS/BTH/110 Social Teaching of the Church

The aim of this course is: to expose the concept, nature, method and sources of the social teaching of the Church.

- To bring about an understanding of the identity, rights and duties of the person according to Christian Anthropology.

- To expose the aim, structure and the guiding principles of the society.

- To clarify the relationship between the human person, the society, goods, work, economy, market and justice, in such a way that all these become substantial to the pastoral action.

SS/BTH/111 Theology of Orders

The Course equips students with the basic knowledge and the overall picture of the place and role of the sacrament of Holy Orders in the theological system of the seven sacraments. It studies the biblical foundations and the development of the sacrament in the patristic, medieval modern or post-Tridentine, and contemporary period. The course goes further to introduce and study the relevant documents of Vatican II on “priestly formation” (Optatam Totius) and the ministry and the life of the priest (Presbyterorum Ordinis). Finally some issues on the priesthood with particular reference to Africa would also be studied.

SS/BTH/112 Vatican II

This course is aimed at underlying how great intuitions which emerged from the celebration of the Second Vatican Council, which are fixed into this Sixteen documents have effectively marked and distinguished the life and the theology of the Catholic Church in the last decades.

SS/BTH/113 History of Israel

Since the course on the History of Israel is so wide, we decided to look at one segment of this history, from the conquest and settlement of the land of Palestine by the tribes of Israel till the division of the kingdom. The conquest and settlement of Palestine was a slow process, and despite the so many challenges facing them in the land, they were still able to form a tribal league. The threat of the Philistines aroused the clamoring for a king just like other nations, and eventually Saul was chosen as the first king of Israel. David’s arrival at the stage provoked a suicidal jealousy in Saul and he eventually met with an ignoble end. With no serious challenges left, David was first proclaimed the king of Judah in Hebron and later, king of all of Israel. After seizing the Jebusite city of Jerusalem and made it his capital, David solidified the state of Israel and drew the present map of Israel stretching from the Lebanon’s boarder to the Negev. But David was an indulgent parent who had thoroughly spoilt his sons and put forth no legacy in place as regards throne succession. The confused situation necessitated the coup -d’- étât of Absolom, one of the tragic dramas of all literature, partly in fulfillment of the curse on the house of David. Eventually, Solomon became king through the scheming of his mother and Nathan the prophet. He capitalized on the successes of his father and built up a modern kingdom, including the temple of Jerusalem. With his death, there followed a total disintegration of the state.

SS/BTH/114 Church in the Roman Empire

This course studies the establishment of the Christian Church in the Roman Empire, its exterior growth, the formulation of Christian Church in the doctrine, the development of ministry and Church structures and church state relation.

SS/BTH/115 Religious Education

This course focuses on the relationship between concepts of catechesis, catechetics, Christian education and human development; it also examines the goal of catechesis and related topics, such as content of catechesis, and the qualities of religious educator. The course also examines some theories in the field of developmental psychology and considers their relevance to the work of Christian education. Attention will be given to the examination of historical and contemporary models of human development in cognitive, affective, spiritual and action domains. In other words, we shall examine (1) the interplay of faith and reason in religious education: (2) the relativistic challenge to authentic religious education: (3) the nature of authentic religious education as education for freedom in personal thought rather than indoctrination. This course also examines the different modes of teaching and learning at the same time contextualizing it to the African setting.

SS/BTH/116 Principles of Liturgy

This course will look at the various definitions of Liturgy in understanding what liturgy is all about. We shall look at the classical definitions as well. This will allow the students to know the essence and purpose of the liturgy. This course will deliberate on the following areas of importance as orientation to the course: Historical Perspective; Liturgical Families/Movement; Essential Meaning of Worship; Principle of Liturgy according to Vatican II Document-Sacrosanctum Concilium; Meaning of Signs and Symbols in the liturgy. To deepen their knowledge further, student will study also the Post-Conciliar and Recent Post-Conciliar documents on the liturgy especially the most recent ones.

SS/BTH/117 Missiology

The course takes a look at the Historical development of Missiology as a Theological discipline, the Structure of the Discipline which is in three stages, Historical, Biblical and Theological, then it looks at the definition of Missiology. It also take a look at the Concept of Mission, the different definitions in the Document: “Ad Gentes Divinitus” and “Redemptoris Missio”. Then, it goes on to look at another term, “Evangelization”, which is used as a synonym of Mission today. We will also trace the foundation of the Missionary Activity from the Old Testament, starting with Jonah and summarize the instances of Mission in the Old Testament into four Motifs. We will also look at the Mandate given by Christ in the Four Gospels. The course will also examine the Trinitarian Origin of the Missio, tracing the Mission from God the Father who is the Source of Mission through the Mission entrusted to the Son and to the Mission of the Spirit in the Church right from its foundation. Finally we will look at the Universal Missionary Vocation of the Church, seeing Mission as a Vocation proper to the Church and not some extra work. The course concludes with the discussion of the Mission of Individual Priest as a participation in the Mission entrusted to the Bishop.

SS/BTH/118 Acts of the Apostles

SS/BTH/119 Spiritual Discernment

This course examines the nature and the meaning of discernment (Discernment of the spirit and the will of God). It looks at the spiritual and the historical bases of the Church’s teaching in discernment. Rule of discernment and the usage.

SS/BTH/120 Theological Method

This course explores method in Theology, with the aim of introducing the students to the age long tradition of scriptural hermeneutics and sapiential approach in seeking understanding for the faith. The course envisages the different tasks that Bernard Lonergan highlights: research, interpretation, history, dialectic, foundations, doctrines, systematics, and communications.

SS/BTH/201 Introduction to the New Testament

This course gives specific attention to the nature and purpose of the four Gospels. It examines modern critical approaches to the study of the NT. It examines the relationship to familiarize ourselves with the Gospels, to understand what Gospels mean; where do they come from and why? What are some of the modern tools in NT studies?

SS/BTH/202 Pentateuch

The course starts with a look into the Pre-history, from the Old Stone Age to the Middle Bronze Age, which is the patriarchal age and against the background of which the narratives of Genesis 12-50 are to be viewed. With that background, the students are introduced into the Pentateuch history, and the general introduction of the five books of Pentateuch. The course goes on to survey the process of transmission of Biblical Texts through the Documentary Hypothesis, and arrival at the knowledge that the Pentateuch, instead of being the work of one single author, is rather the composite work of different authors responding to different circumstances.

The last section studies the pre-history of Genesis in comparison with the Literature of the Ancient Near East, and the Book of Exodus with particular reference to the Covenant at Sinai which is the foundational bond between Yahweh and Israel. The course ends with a look at the Conquest and Settlement of Canaan. Even though it is a little bit outside the scope of this study, the reference in the Book of Numbers is very important and it eventually introduces us to our segment of the History of Israel.

SS/BTH/203 Introduction to New Testament Greek

This course introduces students to the Greek alphabets, basic grammar and syntax. The purpose is to prepare a solid foundation for later in-depth studies of Greek both for translation and exegesis of biblical texts.

SS/BTH/204 New Testament Greek Translation

This course will introduce the student into Syntax and Morphology of Biblical Greek. This will help the student to acquire skills in reading and translation, as well as translating simple sentences from English to Greek and vice-versa. This course will enable them to read at least select passages from the Greek text of Mark’s Gospel.

SS/BTH/205 Literature and Theology of Mark

This course attempts to examine the origin and setting of the Gospel. It considers some of its central themes and comments on some selected pericopes. It considers some recent biblical theories on Marcan historical Jesus, its missionary motifs and message for the early and the contemporary Church. It is required that the students read the entire Gospel of Mark, and be familiar with the text. It is also expected that the students study an assigned passage of Mark’s Gospel in group of threes.

Study guide for text to be studied: i) Transliterate, ii) Analysis of every verb forms, iii) Synoptic comparison, iv) Exegetical and theological comments on the text, v) Contemporary contextualization of your study.

SS/BTH/206 Patrology II

This course is a corollary to Patrology I; it is a buildup on our knowledge of the African Church Fathers with a broader scope. It is an exposition, expiation and an articulation of the inestimable contributions of the Fathers of the Church, of the West and the East, in the grooming, nurturing, making, and codification of the basic/pivotal doctrines of our faith: on the Trinity, Jesus Christ, Mary Mother of God, Iconoclasm, etc. The course is set to provide the students with historical and theological tools for understanding the doctrines of the Church. “To know the fathers, then is to grasp the essentials of Christianity or, in other words, to be educated in the sensus catholicus, in the sense of what is truly Christian” (Boniface Ramsey, Beginning to Read the Fathers, p. 18).

SS/BTH/207 The God of Christian Faith

Christians believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In confessing faith in the God who names himself as I AM, Christians affirm the unity and simplicity of God who is sheer Act and thereby radically transcends the finite and participated being of creatures. This course explores the mystery of divine unity and of the attributes of God in his unity, including his goodness, knowledge, and will. Throughout the course, we will study how human language, drawn from the finite creatures, is able to name God without exhaustively comprehending him. Analogy balances careful affirmations with equally precise negations. The one God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We will therefore trace the theological development of the concepts of procession, relation, and person that enable Christians to affirm, without contradiction, both divine Trinity and divine unity. After detailed analysis of the distinct relations in God and the personal properties of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we will explain such topics as the doctrine of appropriation, the relationship of the divine processions to the divine creative act, and the relationship of the eternal procession to the temporal missions. In studying the Trinity as Creator and Redeemer, we will explore the mystery of our relation to God and to the distinct divine Persons.

SS/BTH/208 Christology

This Course examines the person and work of Jesus Christ as presented in the Christology of the New Testament. It focuses on the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ. It discusses the Christological controversies in the early Church. And in the principle of fides quaerens intellectum, it studies issues and fundamentals of the Christian faith regarding the Incarnation, Resurrection and Redemption of man.

SS/BTH/209 Christian Ethics

This course examines the types of theological ethics e.g. Virtue ethics, Feminist ethics, African Christian ethics etc. as well as philosophical ethics e.g. Kantian ethics. It introduces students to the fundamental issues in moral theology e.g. sources of moral theology, the human person (nature) and human freedom, Natural law, and the Common good. Particular attention is given to the issues of Conscience, Authority as they relate to Christian faith and the moral life, the relationship of spirituality and morality, discernment, moral decision-making, and the attitude of different Christian groups towards African culture as well as the Catholic understanding of moral goodness. It aims to enable students to think systematically about the Christian moral life within the framework of the Catholic tradition, while more broadly engaging current debates in Christian ethics and moral theory. Following the Second Vatican Council's call for a renewal of moral theology, the course draws on the sources of Scripture and tradition, as well as theology, philosophy, and ecumenical conversation.

SS/BTH/210 Medieval Christendom

This is a course in ecclesiastical history that is built on the Church in Roman Empire. It covers the periods between the 7th and 13th centuries (early, middle late ages) and it focuses on the relationship between the Church and the state, Sacerdotium et Imperium, a system of cooperation that paid off for the different Empires which was fully utilized by the Emperors and enjoyed by the Church. It further exposes the Church as it existed and cooperated with the Emperors and the Popes in Rome. It describes the events vividly as they happened and are recorded to help the students understand the rate at which the Church had grown as this period to such a remarkable extent more than what it was during the reign of Constantine.

The other basic facts highlighted in this course are the valid system of cuis regio et eius religio which is another form administration where the religion of the Emperor was the religion of the people of his region. This also paid well, for the church expanded to even greater heights through the power of the Emperors. Such events like the Crusade, the inquisition, the rise of the papacy, Papal States, evangelization (Irish and Anglo-Saxons), the various ecumenical councils, heresies etc (cf. outline) are accentuated in this course. Emperors like Peppin, Charles the Great, Otto I of the Merovingian, Carolingian and German dynasties respectively also feature prominently in this course. Popes like Martin I, Adrian I, Innocent III, Gregory VII etc who contributed to the growth and expansion of the Church are vividly presented.

Finally as a general principle for the course I teach, the class evaluates together the events as they happened as if they were present then and then draws conclusions for the church and world of today. This allows the students to contribute their won as if they lived at the period and take some lessons for personal use.

S/BTH/211 Introduction to Canon Law

This course introduces students to the general principles of church law, it examines the reason for law in the church and the institution and nature of law, subject of church law, the forces of law and certain administrative acts, such as rescripts, privileges, dispensations, precepts, instructions on the exercise of the power of governance and ecclesiastical office.

SS/BTH/212 Canon Law: Organization of the People of God

This course treats the canonical status of the physical and Juridical Persons, the obligations and rights of all Christian Faithful. It treats the position and sacred ministers of the church, their formation rights and obligations.

SS/BTH/213 Christian Initiation

This course focuses on a historical survey from the Scripture and Christian tradition; also a systematic survey of doctrines; liturgical forms; spiritual, pastoral and canonical aspects of initiation will be treated. Contemporary issues, such as infant baptism, the sequence of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist will be discoursed. The course has to do with the way people are accepted in into the church. Three Sacraments namely Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are jointly called Sacraments of initiation.

SS/BTH/214 Introduction to the Study of ATR

This is an examination of approaches to study of religion in general, and African Traditional Religion (ATR) in particular. It examines the definition and origin of religion and of ATR. It examines terms used in ATR, it purpose and difficulties, and its sources.

SS/BTH/215 Introduction to Islam

This course discusses the five pillars that hold Islam and the meaning and scope of faith in the Creator-Allah (God). Other matters treated are Faith in the Holy Books, Prophets (messengers), Angels, the day of resurrection and destiny. A Comprehensive and detailed study of other four pillars e.g. Salat (worship), Zakat (Compulsory alms), Sawan (Fasting) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca and Medinah) is done with emphasis on their spiritual significance and their roles in character and nation building.

SS/BTH/216 Liturgy, Space & Time

This course studies Liturgy, Time and Space with an appraisal of its theology and celebrations in time and space. The course will examine the Liturgy of hours through the study of the general Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours. It will also focus on the contributions of the early Fathers, its reform and its historical background as well as the spiritual conditions necessary for its celebration. Other areas of consideration for this course are: the study of Liturgical Year and its theological overview and the Liturgical Space-dedication of Church and other sacred places for worship in the Church and its theological background.

SS/BTH/217 Mission, Ministry & Apostolate

This is a course under Spiritual Theology, it consists of three subjects and the aim is to open the minds of the seminarians to the mandate given by our lord Jesus Christ to the church and how the church has been responding to it. The course prepares the mind of the seminarians for the task ahead of them as missionaries, makes them to appreciate those members of the church who planted the faith in different parts of the world, and creates in them awareness of various ministries and Apostolate that have been in the church as tools for carrying out her mission, and the spirituality that will enhance it. The methodology employed is to teach each subject one after the other. Mission is to be explained and the Vatican II document especially AD GENTES and other relevant documents form the basis for this subjects. The idea of ministries is to be explored and traces to be made from the time of the Apostles to Vatican II innovations. In dealing with Apostolate, the seminarians are made to be aware that various Apostolate in the Church challenge all Christians to become ambassadors of Christ in the world.

SS/BTH/218 Cardinal Virtues

This course will examine the concept of virtue in general and a later consideration will focus on the Cardinal Virtues in particular and their applications to daily life. Hence, it will answer the question what is virtue? Are there different kinds of virtues? How are the various virtues connected? How are they acquired? Which virtues are most important? It will also help students to appreciate virtue(s) in their own local cultures. The concentration on the Cardinal Virtues will help us to consider each cardinal virtue in its depth and their applications in practical terms. The discuss on the virtue of justice, however, will take us into considering the teachings of the Church in relation to social justice, looking specifically at issues of authentic development, ecology, just war etc. conclusively, the course will aim at establishing a relationship of virtue to “good (ness)”, seeing “good (ness)” in the light of fulfillment of human life and vocation.

SS/BTH/219 Philosophy of Religion

This course starts by defining philosophy of religion, its nature, origin, method and scope. It will undertake a critical study of various theistic arguments, such as the cosmological, ontological, teleological, moral arguments and the arguments from special events. The course will also carry out a philosophical scrutiny of religious language and concepts and its problems.

SS/BTH/220 Consecrated Life in the Church

This course studies the theology, mission and lives of consecrated persons (those who embrace the consecrated life and profess the evangelical counsels) and their contribution to the growth of the Local Churches. The course aims to contribute towards a comprehensive or holistic theological formation of future priests, and towards the promotion of healthy mutual relations between consecrated persons and diocesan clergy in the Church in Nigeria.

SS/BTH/221 Homiletics

The homily is an integral part of the liturgical worship of the Church. It should develop some point of the scripture readings (Word of God). As such it is not merely the communication of information, but the handing on of faith: “Thus faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard come through the word of Christ” (Rom 10:17). This course is designed to prepare candidates for the Priesthood for this important task. It focuses on the interpretation of the word of God and its application to the experience and context of the people of God. It seeks to help the students in the act of writing a good homily, with the proper use of and appreciation of a language that is simple and intelligible.

SS/BTH/222 Research Methodology

Words and their skillful use, in reading and writing, in speaking and listening and thinking, are particularly important during the university years, and indeed, throughout one’s scholarly career. Students read textbook assignments and recite in class to demonstrate their comprehension of the material involved. They listen to the instructor’s lectures and make written notes to preserve what they have heard for future use. They write periodic examinations to show what they have learned and how well they understand it, and very often those examinations provide the sole source of the instructor’s opinion of their work. As part of a more integral programme of studies, students write term papers and Long essays. These research works are based on outside reading and their own thoughts. They go to the library to read beyond the immediate assignments in the subjects that especially interest them.

Words are primary tools of learning; and the skillful composition of ideas rests on the proper and effective understanding of how words are used. Therefore, students must be able to write, read, speak, listen, and think effectively, clearly and accurately. All of these cannot be left to the students’ arbitrariness. For this reason, the Course on Research Methodology is crafted as a science that teaches and inculcates in the students the ability and the skill to write effectively and carry out proper research work

SS/BTH/301 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew

This course introduces students in their third level of theological studies to the world of biblical Hebrew language by teaching them rudiments of the language of the Hebrew bible, the Christian Old Testament. The course is compulsory (cfr. Optatam Totius 15)

SS/BTH/302 Biblical Hebrew

Biblical Hebrew is a continuation of the introductory study and foundation in Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. It is a deeper study of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary. It includes a practical knowledge of the language tested in selected passages from the books of judges and Psalm.

SS/BTH/303 Prophecy I

Prophecy 1& II starts with surveying the primitive life in the desert and the beginning of the prophetic movement with entry into the Promised Land. Then it proceededs to study the Ancient Near Eastern background to prophecy in Israel and especially the effects of the Canaanite life and culture on the common life of the Israelites at their entry into the land. The course then defines the word “prophecy “ and prophetic movement, takes note of the major teaching of the prophets, their relationship to Hebrew Institutions and the various groups of prophets. It studies some of the minor and major prophets, examining the composition of the books and the major themes and doctrines. The prophets in question are Amos, Hosea and Micah (minor prophets) and Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel (Major Prophets). In the context of formation for the Catholic Priesthood, the course examines the political, religious, economic and social messages of these prophets and their relevance to our own times and cultural context.

SS/BTH/304 Literature and Theology of John

This course examines the origin and nature of the fourth gospel, John as a historian and theologian, the gospel of John in recent studies, together with prescribed texts in Greek John 1-6.

SS/BTH/305 Pauline Epistles

After an introduction to Paul's life and ministry, this course would provide a close reading of several Pauline letters in light of religious message they communicate. The course would give special attention to the major pastoral issues and personal experiences of Paul that shaped his theology. From a clearer understanding of the needs of his time, the course would deepen he key themes of Pauline theology and would try to create an opening to today's situation.

SS/BTH/306 Theology of the Old Testament

The course studies the various Themes of the Old Testament Theology, namely, the Nature of God, the media of God’s revelation, the character and activity of God. It also looks at the nature of man, especially man in his human conditions and in his dignity as created in the image of God (imago Dei). It examines the Covenant that binds man and God, the Ancient Near Eastern background to the Old Testament Covenants; Kingship, sacral as it is in the Old Testament – kingship of God and the theological aspects of human kingship; Sin – the origin of Sin in the Bible and the character of Sin in the Old Testament and finally Salvation – it’s goal and divine purpose.

SS/BTH/307 Theology of Marriage

This course is a theological and pastoral investigation of the meaning of Christian marriage and human sexuality, with emphasis on the moral/pastoral implications of Christian marriage, sexuality, and celibacy. The course covers the scriptural, historical and theological development of the sacrament of marriage. It also covers themes including the theology of the body, homosexual moral concerns, divorce and family life, chastity and celibacy.

SS/BTH/308 Soteriology

This course examines the concept of salvation, myth of salvation in the Old Testament, God, the future and ultimate end of man. Grace, justification, God’s continued work of salvation in Jesus Christ are also given extensive treatment together with insights into man’s freedom in relationship to God’s grace. The problem of secularization is also examined in depth. God’s gift of faith, hope and love is treated also in relation to Christian eschatology.

SS/BTH/309 An Evolutionary Creation

The Course studies the Judeo-Christian Narratives of Creation, taking into account creation narratives from other traditions, including the African creation stories and myths. It examines also the origin of man and the world in light of the theory of Evolution and other scientific theories of the universe. In the process, it considers whether there are points of convergence between the Judeo-Christian narratives, African creation stories, and the Science of Evolution. And it discusses the Problem of Evil in a world created by the Omnipotent, Omniscience, and Omnibenevolent God.

SS/BTH/310 Theological Virtues

This course on “Theological Virtues” clarifies in the light of Scripture, Catechism of the Catholic Church and Second Vatican Council Documents the role and the relevance of virtues, in particular the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity in the life of a Christian. The course will help us explore theological virtues and how moral theories interpret the "science of happiness," i.e., human flourishing. We begin with addressing the definition and description of Christian ethics, which Servais Pinckaers' reminds us, is a "branch of theology that studies human acts so as to direct them to a loving vision of God seen as our true, complete happiness, and our final end" (Sources of Christian Ethics, p. 8). Special attention is paid to the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae. It helps the students to understand virtues as fundamental to lead a good Christian and human life.

SS/BTH/311 Missionary Enterprise in Africa

This is designed to follow the three stages of the evangelization of the African Continent. In the First Stage of the Evangelization of the Continent, it focuses on the first five Centuries of Christianity in that part of Africa which was a territory of the then Roman Empire. This territory had its own Political and Cultural History different from that of Sub-Saharan Africa. It looks at a brief historical over-view of the way the Christian Faith spread in these territories and examines some of the problems encountered in the process, the methods employed, the successes achieved and finally the survival and disappearance of some of these Ancient Churches. In the Second Stage, which falls between the 15th and 18th Centuries, the course looks at that part of Africa, South of the Sahara. This period coincides with the period of the European Exploration of the African Coast. It examines the motives for the European presence on the African Coast. It also studies the “Padroado” system which was the method of Evangelization employed at this stage. It evaluates the missionary activities in this stage. In the Third Stage, the course studies the Missionary Activities in Africa between the 19th and 20th Centuries which is in the period after the foundation of “Propaganda Fide”, the Congregation which coordinated missionary activities from the 17th Century. This was the period when most African people received the gospel message. Finally, the course looks at the activities of the many different Missionary groups that moved to the African scene to work until the Church became established there.

SS/BTH/312 Canon Law: Hierarchical Constitution of the Church

This course treats of the role of the authority in human society and church communion, competent authorities in the church, nature of various church organizations, structures of diocese and parish, Management of Personnel, Juridical Persons, effective decision making process in the church.

SS/BTH/313 Canon Law: Sanctifying Office of the Church

The course is a study on the essentials of the celebration of the Church’s Sacraments (with the exception of Marriage) from theological and pastoral viewpoints in carrying out the sanctifying action of the Church. This focuses on the general rules, the notions, minister/subject and condition for each celebration and valid reception, in order to guide against arbitrariness in worship, as well as protect the rights of the faithful in sacraments and liturgy.

SS/BTH/314 Christian Eucharist

  1. Course is a study of the Theology of the Eucharist. In this regard it surveys Eucharistic Texts in Scripture and Christian Tradition. It examines in a systematic way summary of Eucharistic Doctrine. It highlights the sacrificial nature of the Eucharist, examining in the process how the Last Super, Sacrifice on Calvary, and the Mass are the self-same Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Its foundation is an in-depth study of the Institution Narratives and their theological significance. course studies the doctrines of Real Presence and Transubstantiation, with a view to affirming and understanding the faith of the Church in the Eucharistic Jesus. It lays emphasis on Eucharist as Thanksgiving, Eucharist as Sacrifice, Eucharist as Real Presence, Eucharist as Communion, and Eucharist as Sacrament.

SS/BTH/315 Religion and Theistic Problems

This course studies the problems associated with belief in our age. It is a philosophical review of the consequences of faith for the day to day existence of an average believer. An appraisal of theism in the light of contemporary situation will be important in this course, while exploring various reasonable solutions proposed to the questions facing modern man.

SS/BTH/316 Islam in West Africa

The course outlines the spread of Islam in North Africa, the role of the Murabites, the medieval Sudanic states (Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Kanem Borno, etc.) the Jihad of Uthman Dan Fodio, and any one particular theme, such as Sufi orders, festival, clerics, etc.

SS/BTH/317 Structure of WATR

The course examines the attributes of God, cults of God; meaning and purpose of worship, sacred places and objects, sacred time and cultic functionaries. Some ritual practices such as purification, covenant making, prayers and sacrifices, as well all festivals.

SS/BTH/318 Ecumenism

The takes a critical look at the theological and practical implications of Ecumenism from the point of view of the Catholic Church as well as the protestant Church. It pays attention to history, nature and principles of Ecumenism and addresses the relevance of Ecumenism in world today. It relies not only on the Documents of Vatican II, but more importantly examines the initiatives and activities undertaken from its idea in the Protestant Churches and taken up by the Church. Furthermore, the course also looks into the activities of the Christian Association of Nigeria in reference to the principles and practice of Ecumenism as laid out in the official document Unitatis Redintegratio of Vatican Council II. Various other documents and works of the Popes and other Christian leaders also form part of this course for the students to understand the movement towards Unity prayed for by Jesus Christ. The Congregation for the Promotion of Christian Unity is examined in its origin, purpose, contributions and relevance in directing the activities of the Church in ecumenism. The course also highlights the fact that the Catholic Church relates with all Christian Groups and sects through this Congregation.

SS/BTH/319 Fundamental Liturgy

This course, intended as a deepening of the theological understanding of the meaning of the liturgy, offers an introduction to the principal notions of the liturgy such as the Assembly, participation, ministries, the ecclesiological dimension of the liturgy, the language of the liturgy, liturgy and aesthetics, liturgy and Iconology, liturgical hermeneutics, liturgical inculturation, liturgy and the sacraments in their relational, theoretical and practical aspects.

SS/BTH/320 Practical Homiletics

This course builds on the foundation and the studies in the course on Homiletics in the 200 Level. With specific concentration on the doctrinal content of the homily and its function as essentially teaching the faith, the course explores effective methods in the act of preaching a good homily. It significantly looks at the structure of a good homily, and affords the students the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the course on Homiletics

SS/BTH/401 Literature and Theology of Luke

This course examines the third Gospel as well as its relationship to the Acts of Apostles. Particular emphasis is given to the central themes and theology of St. Luke. Exgetical analysis of some selected passages will be done. It is expected that the students are comfortable with the use of the Greek text of the Gospel of Luke.

SS/BTH/402 Prophecy II

Prophecy 1& II starts with surveying the primitive life in the desert and the beginning of the prophetic movement with entry into the Promised Land. Then it proceededs to study the Ancient Near Eastern background to prophecy in Israel and especially the effects of the Canaanite life and culture on the common life of the Israelites at their entry into the land. The course then defines the word “prophecy “ and prophetic movement, takes note of the major teaching of the prophets, their relationship to Hebrew Institutions and the various groups of prophets.

It studies some of the minor and major prophets, examining the composition of the books and the major themes and doctrines. The prophets in question are Amos, Hosea and Micah (minor prophets) and Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel (Major Prophets). In the context of formation for the Catholic Priesthood, the course examines the political, religious, economic and social messages of these prophets and their relevance to our own times and cultural context.

SS/BTH/403 Hebrew and Catholic Epistles

Questions of authorship relating to the epistles to the Hebrews; its main doctrines themes especially on the Catholic Epistles, with prescribed Greek text.

SS/BTH/404 Wisdom Literature

The course is set in two parts. Part one which is the general introduction and looks at the general concept of Wisdom. It studies wisdom movement outside Israel, most especially on Mesopotamian and Egyptian Wisdom. Israel’s wisdom or intellectual tradition did not develop in a vacuum. It was part of a much broader movement within the Ancient Near Eastern world. Part one rounds up with a study of the literary types of Old Testament Wisdom.

Part two studies the Wisdom Literature as contained in the books of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes and, among the Deutero-Canonicals, Ben Sira and the Wisdom of Solomon. Some of the critical issues studied as they cut across Wisdom Literature are: Wealth and Poverty, Problem of Retribution, Lot of the Poor and Prosperity of the wicked, Figure of Wisdom, Suffering of the Innocent and the Ambiguity of Life. Again, the course contextualizes these issues and survey the way and manner they affect our people in our cultural life and context.

SS/BTH/405 Theology of the Church

This course aims at developing a theological understanding of the origin, nature, purpose and the need of the church and its relationship to the world. It will examine the emergence of the church in the Apostolic and sub-apostolic eras and its subsequent development in history, and based on these studies it will examine the challenges and possibilities to which it is now open. The relationship between the Kingdom of God as proclaimed by Jesus and the Church will also be examined. The course will conclude with an in-depth examination of the church’s self-understanding in our contemporary world, based mainly on a critical and in-depth reading of Vatican II Documents (especially Lumen Gentium) as well as Ecclesia in Africa.

SS/BTH/406 Pneumatology

This Course examines and treats the place and significance of the Holy Spirit in the overall doctrine of the Trinity. In studying the relation of the Holy Spirit, third Person of the Trinity, to the Father and the Son, and highlighting the divinity of the Holy Spirit, the Course treats the unity of essence and distinction of Persons in God. It critically looks at some of the issues in the early Trinitarian heresies concerning the divinity of the Holy Spirit. In considering Procession in God, the course looks at how the second Person of the Trinity is distinct from the Holy Spirit. It also studies the proper understanding of Charisms and Gifts of the Holy Spirit in response to certain Phenomena of Pentecostalism.

SS/BTH/407 Theology of Reconciliation

This course is a study of the biblical, historical and theological perspectives of the sacrament of reconciliation in the Roman Catholic tradition. The course investigates catechetical, doctrinal, historical, moral, canonical, pastoral and liturgical aspects of the sacraments of penance. It gives a brief historical development of the sacrament. It also includes practical instructions on the celebration of the sacrament, as well as a practicum on hearing confessions. It discusses broader issues concerning inner healing and the responsibilities of the recipients as well as the relevant ways the minister serves the community administering the sacrament. It is the completion of Christian penance (PCS 6). Consequently, and in general, it looks at introduction to Anointing, Healing in the Old Testament Perception, Jesus and Healing, Anointing of the Sick in the New Testament communities, Early Church Healing, Use of Oil, Development of the Sacrament, Second Vatican Council Renewal and Reforms, The New Rite, Other Elements of Healing, Viaticum.

SS/BTH/408 Literature and Theology of Matthew

This course shall study the introductory issues regarding the Gospel according to Matthew. These include authorship, date and place; audience, socio-historical and political background; literary and structural components, and the main theological strains in the gospel. The also attempts to carry out exegesis of selected texts in the Gospel.

SS/BTH/409 Christian Movement in West Africa

The course deals with the indigenous churches and prophets, such as William Harris (Liberia), Jehu Appiah (Ghana); Moses Orimolade and Apostle Joseph Babalola (Nigeria). It also examines positive and negative aspects of these new religious movements. Consequently, it attempts to evaluate all these in light of the Missionary Movements and Activities in the West African Region.

SS/BTH/410 Islamic Theology and Ethics

Islamic theology revolves around the central dogma of the oneness (tawhid) of God. This course deals first of all with the five fundamental truths of Islam: unicity of God, the revealed Scripture, the prophets, the Angels and the Last Day (eschatology). This will lead us to discuss the four main theological schools: Muctazilite, Hanbalite, Ash’arite and Maturidite (founders & doctrine). What the Qur’an says about Jesus and Mary (Christology and Mariology) would be of interest to students. Finally we shall see how creation animates the faith of Muslims and leads them to the proof of the existence of God as found in the works of al-Ghazali. A word on Islamic Ethics based on the Qur’an and the Hadith concludes this course.

SS/BTH/411 Church of the Reformation

This course follows the medieval period. And in fact it is taught with the new period in ecclesiastical history, a period from 14th-16th century. It builds on the events of the middle ages. Here the students are reminded first and foremost of the past events in the middle ages so that they can come into this period without much difficulty. It examines the issues and events leading up to the Reformation. It looks at the teachings of the Reformers before and after Luther. It makes a special note of the operation of the cuius region et euis religio of the middle ages. The course also looks at the English reformation with a study of the life and influence of Henry VIII, his desires and his dynasty. The course further studies the Church’s response in what is tagged the Counter Reformation which culminates in the teachings of the Council of Trent (1545), with specific reference to the Bible, the Sacraments, the Magisterium, Seminary formation, etc.

SS/BTH/412 Applied Ethics

This course is about a philosophical discussion of ethical issues in contemporary life. It entails an application of Catholic moral principles on contemporary moral issues e.g. abortion, euthanasia, artificial insemination, human suffering, patient-physician relationship in medical ethics, suicide, capital punishment, war, nuclear weapons, social justice, child abuse, eugenics, cloning, PVS and Artificial Nutrition and Hydration etc. Special attention will be given to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, human trafficking and prostitution as well as the issues concerning environmental ethics.

SS/BTH/413 Biblical Inspiration

This course examines (i) the idea of biblical inspiration, and its doctrinal development; (ii) Biblical Revelation and its object; (iii) the canon of the Bible. The various canons will be studied in the course. The course will also devote time to the study of the degree on Divine revelation of Vatican II and other Church documents on the Bible. Special attention will be paid to selected biblical passages relating to inspiration, revelation and especially those difficult passages of scripture that are useful for any discussion on inerrancy.

SS/BTH/414 Pastoral Theology and Liturgy

Principles, techniques and skills in the pastoral care; Identification of pastoral situations and application of pastoral principle; Pastoral problems relating to the Church in Nigeria e.g. ethnicity and language. It also examines some issues and practice in liturgical worship and celebrations.

SS/BTH/415 Canon Law: Marriage

This course treats the principle of justice. It deals with administrative judicial process. It treats marriage cases involving nullity, ratified and non-consummation cases, Pauline privilege and privilege of faith as well as separation cases.

SS/BTH/416 Social Moral Theology

This course on Social Moral Theology or Christian Social Ethics,

  1. a major and final part of a basic course in Moral Theology, deals with human person’s relations and responsibility towards the man and the created world, that is, towards oneself and the neighbour, and towards society or Community, The Course provides an introduction to Social Morals from a Christian perspective and how the forms and teachings of Christian theology and doctrine impact the broader society. Christian Social ethics often bears upon the appropriate decisions of government. To address contemporary institutional questions from a Christian perspective, we will also consider texts from the history of Christianity that address the social, cultural, economic, and political questions of their day. What these texts meant in their day and what they imply for our life today is central to our concerns. Also, the Catholic teachings on social issues treated will be highlighted. Since it is concerned with, engaged in theological discourse, this course critically examines the topics from a theological-ethical standpoint.

SS/BTH/417 Revelation

SS/BTH/418 Mariology

The course looks at the Fundamental Principles of Mariology, which is that fact about Mary which we can return to from time to time as the centre of all the importance of her role in Salvation History. It examines passages in the Old Testament that are pertinent to Mary or which make references to Mary, especially in Genesis and Isaiah. It equally examines some New Testament references, beginning with the four Gospels and giving mariological interpretations to these texts. Furthermore, the course looks at the presentation of Mary in the Pauline writings. It specifically gives consideration to the special prerogatives of Mary under the dogmas of the Divine Motherhood, the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption and the Virginity of Mary. It looks at the origin of some of the devotions to Mary and why such devotions are upheld in the Church till date. And finally, it studies some Apparitions of Mary.

SS/BTH/419 Spiritual Direction

Meaning and practice of Spiritual Direction. What is Spiritual Direction? Qualities of a good Spiritual Director. Relationship between Director and Directee in Spiritual Direction. Principles and Practices: the act and skills of Spiritual Direction, conditions for Spiritual Direction. Spiritual Direction in African context. Role play (Practicum).

SS/BTH/420 Long Essay

A presentation of an original theological Research work with a good understanding of the chosen subject matter in a way that is faithful to the scriptural and sapiential approach to the theological programme of study in the Theology Department.


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