Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Monday, January 21, 2019

The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council as Christ the Lord founded one Church as aptly expressed in Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism. it is on this purview that the seminary community hosted this year’s annual Ecumenical Service under the theme: “GOOD GOVERNANCE A REMEDY FOR PEACE” from which the homilist for the service from the Immanuel College of Theology deemed it fit to project a sub-theme “PEACE AND UNITY AMONG THE BODY OF CHRIST”. Since charity as it is said begins at home, then there would be peace and unity in the society for without peace and unity, there can be no harmony, growth and development. As such, captured in the welcome address of the Vice Rector of the Seminary, Very. Rev. Fr. Anthony Ewherido is the exhortation that we all gathered for the Ecumenical service to pray as Christ prayed that we should all be one (John 17:21). From the political point of view, as Nigeria prepares for the general elections, we are all called to take up the banner of good politics which is at the service of peace both from the vertical and horizontal dimensions.


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