Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The document of the Second Vatican Council, Ministeria Quaedam, clearly states the goal for the establishment of ministries as being “established by the Church from earliest times for the proper ordering of worship and for the service of God’s people as the need arose.” The seminarians in formation to the Catholic Priesthood are privileged yearly to be recipients of some ministries required before their ordination to the Catholic Priesthood. However, in obedience to the demands of the Council, the seminarians of Theology 2 and Theology 4 in Ss. Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan, had to tender a written application for the reception of the ministries appropriate for their stage in formation. This exercise, which was executed on the 8th of October, 2019, had the Theology 2 students apply for the reception of the rite of candidacy – a ceremony wherein they publicly declare their intention to be candidates for the sacred priesthood. The Theology 4 students, on their part, applied for the reception into the first level of the Sacrament of Orders, namely, Diaconate – a ministry of service in the Church. We pray for the graces necessary for them to be true instruments of Christ in his Church.


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