Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Monday, October 14, 2019

The formation of candidates to the sacred priesthood has a holistic character, as it prepares the candidates to be pastors of souls and effective ministers of the Word. In achieving this goal, the seminary community provides different platforms through which the candidates to the priesthood are equipped with the necessary tools to enable them have a rich knowledge of the scriptures and the Catholic faith as a whole. Nevertheless, they are given the privilege to exercise the art of preaching which they have developed, by giving reflections at the celebration of the Holy mass during the weekdays. Such privilege is, however, reserved for the Theology Four Students of our seminary who await ordination to the Order of Deacon. The Theology Four seminarians of the 2019/2020 session were officially launched into the exercise of preaching in the seminary chapel on Monday, 14th October, 2019, following the express official permission and approval of the Chairman of our Seminary Commission, Most Rev. Gabriel ’Leke Abegunrin, the Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Ibadan. We thank God for this opportunity and all those who have contributed to their formation, and we wish them well as they exercise their ministries.


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