Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Thursday, October 31, 2019

The evening of the 31st October, 2019, was filled with immense serenity and beauty as the seminary community prayerfully concluded its Marian devotion for the month of October, 2019. Gathered in the seminary chapel at 6:00pm on this day, the community had the celebration of sung vespers, together with compline, after which there was a Rosary procession to mark the end of the one-month devotion to Mary for the month of October. The Church dedicates the months of October & May to our Blessed Mother, with the recitation of the Rosary on each day of these months, first, to honour her and her role in our salvation history, and secondly, to seek her intercession as the Mother of our Saviour. During the Rosary procession, the seminary compound was lit beautifully, as every member of the community held a lighted candle processing through the various parts of the compound to the Marian Grotto where the assembly was dismissed. We thank God for the graces received during this month of devotion and continuously seek our Mother’s intercession.


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