Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Monday, November 4, 2019

The Seminary of Saints Peter & Paul, Bodija, Ibadan holds the spiritual formation of the candidates to the sacred priesthood in high esteem. Hence, provisions are made for seminarians to develop a closer relationship with Christ, as they journey towards the sacred priesthood in configuration to Christ, the High Priest. One of such provisions is the monthly recollection, slated for the first weekend of every month in the seminary calendar. The recollection for the month of November was facilitated by Rev. Fr. Wilfried Kouizer, SMA, with the theme: Walking in the Spirit. The programme, which spanned from 2nd – 4th November, 2019, had three sessions wherein the facilitator spoke on different sub-themes in relation to the theme.

In the first session, Fr. Kouijzer, emphasized the place and the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Without the Spirit of God in us, we would be involved in mere activism; empty show of work without its basis in God. Hence, there is the need for all of us to live in the Spirit, in order to be fruitful Christians. The second session emphasized the place of Divine Inspiration which is also wrought by the Spirit of God, but can only be attained when the Holy Spirit is invited. There is, therefore, the need to also listen attentively and in prayerful silence to the inspiration of the Spirit. He concluded with the third session stating how the Holy Spirit inspires us to act, and how such actions are geared towards greatness. In all of these, the virtues of obedience, docility, attentiveness, etc, are of great importance as they enable us to be truly receptive to the workings of the Spirit. The programme, which was indeed spirit-filled, came to an end after the morning mass on the 4th of November, 2019.


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