Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Monday, November 18, 2019

The Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, art. 94, states that human formation, being the foundation of all priestly formation, promotes the integral growth of the person and allows the integration of all its dimensions, part of which is the psychological dimension which focuses on the constitution of a stable personality, characterized by emotional balance, self-control and a well-integrated sexuality. In a bid to promote the human formation of her seminarians, therefore, the Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul, Bodija, Ibadan, organized a seminar on depression, at about 8:30pm on the 16th November, 2019, titled Depression Awareness and Prevention in our Clime; a programme organized by Rev. Fr. Felix Kingsley Obialo, Advocate for Mental Health & Social Psychologist, who is of the Catholic Archdiocese of Ibadan,  and Mr. Anthony Bob, a Rotarian & an Advocate for Mental Health.

The lecture had both a theoretical and practical dimension. In its theoretical dimension, the speaker, Rev. Fr. Felix Kingsley Obialo, gave an overview of depression, a statistic of depressive persons across countries, the signs and modes of depression, and various means of overcoming such psychological ailment. While during its practical dimension, the seminarians present were made to answer a pre-survey questionnaire before the lecture, and a post-survey questionnaire after the lecture, in order to enable them acquire the proper mind-set towards depressed persons.

Indeed, the seminar enlightened all present on the holistic character of depression, thereby dispelling the myopic views of depression, which many had prior to the seminar.


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