Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Friday, December 6, 2019

The Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, art. 41, emphasizes the need for seminarians to develop affective maturity while in formation, to avoid being emotionally unstable, thereby becoming effective pastors of souls. In a bid to further appreciate this aspect of the candidates’ human formation, the department of theology organized her departmental lecture titled Emotional Formation and the Process of Discernment in Priestly Formation, on the 6th day of December, 2019. The lecture, which was delivered by Rev. Fr. Dr. Kenneth Adesina, and moderated by Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Adelabu, emphasized the significance of forming candidates to the sacred priesthood emotionally; owing to the fact that the candidates are from various backgrounds and environments, which might have influenced their personality over time. And in the final analysis, the guest lecturer concluded by making it clear that it is through docility and sincerity to oneself that one can achieve remarkable progress in the adequate formation of one’s emotions. The session was indeed a beautiful and educative one, evident in the spate of questions raised and contributions made after the lecture. The session indeed enlightened all present on the delicate and indispensable place of human formation, in the entire corpus of seminary formation.


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