Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Friday, February 21, 2020

The community of Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan, lost one of her alumnus, Rev. Fr. Matthew Arimoro, who was called to eternal rest on 13th February, 2020, exactly forty (40) days after he was raised to the Order of the Priesthood through the gift of ordination. During his years of formation as a candidate for the Catholic priesthood, Late Rev. Fr. Matthew Arimoro was reputable for his musical skills and abilities. He was proficient in the playing of musical instruments, with particular reference to guitar, saxophone and keyboard (piano). These were apparently the reason he was made the Music Director in his final year of formation, and one of the remarkable tasks he exercised during that year was the chanting of the Exultet at the Easter Vigil celebration for the year 2019. Sequel to his priestly ordination on January 3rd 2020 for the Diocese of Osogbo, Late Rev. Fr. Matthew Arimoro exercised his priestly ministry for exactly 40 days before he was called into eternal glory. Fr. Matthew died as a result of the injuries he sustained from a ghastly motor accident, which immediately claimed the lives of six youths (Male and Female) and a woman, while they were returning from the Diocesan Marian Pilgrimage, populary known as Oke-Maria, on the 9th of February, 2020.

On the 20th February, 2020, Late Fr. Matthew Arimoro was laid to rest in the Diocese of Osogbo. The Funeral Mass which began at 9:00am at St. Benedict Catholic Cathedral, Popo, Osogbo, had Most Rev. Dr. John Oyejola as the Chief Celebrant. The homily was delivered by Most Rev. Dr. Francis Adesina – the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ijebu-Ode, wherein he reminded everyone that life was a pilgrimage to heaven and all should strive not to miss it. Present also at the mass were the Archbishop and Bishops of the Dioceses within the Ibadan Province, priests from various parts of the country, religious, and lay men and women (young and old). We pray for the repose of the soul of our dear brother and priest, and pray for God’s consolation on all he left behind, especially his bishop and immediate family.


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