Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Thursday, March 5, 2020

One of the goals of spiritual formation is to enable the candidates for the priesthood to develop a deep sense of communion with God and be configured to Christ, the High Priest. Hence, the seminary formation affords the candidates myriads of opportunities to develop this intimacy with God, ranging from the organization of retreats, recollections, spiritual direction, and penitential services, amidst others. Such activities are not extraneous to the formation in Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan, as they are well enshrined within the yearly formative programme of the Seminary. It is on this basis that the Seminary community had its first penitential service for the Second Semester on the 5th March, 2020. The event which fell on the Thursday of the First Week of Lent, gave room –for the Seminarians to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The ceremony, which began at exactly 5:30pm, was presided over by Rev. Fr. Daniel Koumah, who encouraged everyone to make good use of this moment of grace to be reconciled to God and men. The event had the presence of various priests who assisted at the confessionals. We are grateful to God for moments as this, and pray for the graces received from this sacrament will have lasting effects in our lives. Amen.


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