Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Saturday, October 31, 2020

As customary, the Nigerian Major Seminaries Association of Philosophy Students (NIMSAPS) Bodija Chapter, held her week long program which spanned from 12th October to 18th October 2020. To kick off the week long program, a rally to create awareness was carried out on Monday, 12th October, 2020, by the philosophy students. This was followed by other events ranging from Mr. Plato competition, Big brother NIMSAPS’ competition, Elections, to choosing the executive who will pilot the affairs of the NIMSAPS body for the 2020/2021 session and a football match between philosophy one and philosophy two seminarians which ended with a 2:1 victory in favour of year one. More importantly, there was a Symposium held on Friday, 16th October, 2020, titled, “The Corona Virus Pandemic: A Philosophical Analysis”. The session was moderated by Uderike Basil and four papers were presented: Corona Virus Pandemic: A Philosophical Exposition (Vincent Ihenacho), Corona Virus and Morality: Ethical Dimension (Ogenekowo John-Christo), The Theistic Attribute of God and the Corona Virus Pandemic: A Reconciliation (Oniakhena Emmanuel) and The Problem of Testimony: Towards an Epistemic Analysis of the Corona Pandemic (John Isaac Omuanu).

Finally, the program came to a close with a Thanksgiving procession at mass on 18th October, 2020. Indeed the NIMSAPS week for the 2019/2020 session, was a success and was enriching to all who participated.


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