Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

To mark the end of the Year of the Word of God, the Seminary community organized a symposium, held in the Seminary Auditorium on the 30th of October, 2020, where the Word of God was theologically and exponentially studied and reflected upon. The event which started at about 4:00pm was graced by Seminarians, Lecturers and Formators from other Religious houses within Ibadan, Religious Sisters as well as the Formators and in-house Seminarians.

To begin the event, Rev. Fr. Francis Adedara gave an introductory background to the declaration of the Year on the Word of God and its Implications for Christians. After this, a symposium titled, “Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents on the Word of God and their Appropriation in the life of the Church” was held. This was moderated by Rev. Fr. Francis Adelabu and three papers were presented by Rev. Frs. Victor Nwabueze, Richard Omolade, Gregory Ezeokeke, respectively. At the event, Rev. Fr. Victor Nwabueze who spoke on the Conciliar Document, “Dei Verbum”, emphasized that for one to fully understand the Word of God and to be able to communicate the Word to others, one has to study the original languages of the scripture: Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic; one must bear in mind that Christ is the focus and avoid unnecessary digression and lastly, one must be in touch with this Word.

The second speaker, Rev. Fr. Richard Omolade, spoke on the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhotation, “Verbum Domini”, by Pope Benedict XVI. Here, he stressed the need for proper preparation by those ministers charged with the responsibility of proclaiming the word of God during liturgical celebrations. While the last speaker, Fr. Gregory Ezeokeke, who spoke on the Pontifical Biblical Commission Document, “The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church”, held that the message of the Bible must be actualized and inculturated. As a follow up to the papers delivered, there was a question and answer session. This was then followed by the presentation of gifts to the speakers by the Vice Rector, Fr. Anthony Igbekele, after which the Rector, Fr. Anthony Ewherido, while giving the closing remarks, emphasized the fact that the Word of God has always been at the heart of the Church’s Mission and God’s interaction with His people. The Word of God is a mystery and we are invited to enter into it in order to gain understanding and be able to relate with the people of God. The vote of thanks was given by Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina, and the program eventually came to a successful end with a closing prayer, led by Rev. Fr. Joseph-Young Aniaga, at about 6:15pm


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