Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Saturday, December 12, 2020

To mark the celebration of the significant birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Seminary community, in her customary way, organized a festival of Nine Lessons and Carols which was held in the Seminary compound on Sunday, the 6th of December, 2020. However, due to the restrictions posed by the Corona Virus Pandemic, the event which started at exactly 12:00pm was attended by members of the Seminary community, priests and religious of different religious houses of formation, few invited guests and the different choral groups who also performed at the event. Nonetheless, to bring its full message to all, especially those who wished to attend but could not, due to the restrictions, the event was Live streamed via Facebook with #SSPPBODIJACAROLS2020.

The event began with a solemn procession to the venue by the host choir, St. Gregory's choir, members of the Deacons class and the Formators. This was immediately followed by the opening prayer, a welcome song by the host choir after which the Rector, Fr. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, gave his welcome address.

After the nine lessons and the different presentations, the Christmas message was delivered by Rev. Fr. Stephen Ogbeiye, who reminded all of the importance of the period of Christmas, noting how it has become necessary to count our blessings in the unique post Covid-19 period, that God has brought us safe despite the many challenges the Corona virus pandemic caused in the world. He also pointed out that the green Christmas trees we see around this period, remind us of the growth we have attained and as such, we must be grateful to God. The Christmas message was immediately followed by a vote of thanks by the Seminary Choir Master, Mr. Omondeagbon Isidore, after which the Alleluia chorus was rendered by all choristers present, and this marked the end of the 2020 festival of nine lessons and carols in the Seminary.


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