Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Thursday, January 28, 2021

One of the four areas of priestly formation is Spiritual Formation, which according to the Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, art.101, is directed at nourishing and sustaining communion with God and with our brothers and sisters, in the friendship of Jesus, the good shepherd, and with an attitude of docility to the Holy Spirit. In order to achieve such goals, the Seminary provides various platforms such as recollections, faith sharing programmes, retreats, amidst others. Through these platforms,the candidate for the priesthood, thus, becomes aware that the heart of spiritual formation is personal union with Christ, and this he must seek to build and achieve all through his years of formation.Now, upon resumption from the Christmas holidays, the Seminary Community had its first faith sharing programme for the year 2021, on the 28th January, with the theme: Storms in the Vocation (Mark 4:53-41). The programme began at exactly 5:30pm, and in order to adequately reflect on the given theme, the seminarians were divided into various groups.We pray that through our participation in this exercise, we may help one another to grow spiritually, on our journey to the Sacred Priesthood. Amen.


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