Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Monday, February 22, 2021

Philosophical inquiry is again made practicable and valuable to our everyday living as the Philosophy Department of the Seminary had her first departmental lecture for the 2020/2021 Academic/ Formation Session, on the 5thof February, 2021. The lecture, titled, Ethics and Emotional Intelligence in Church Leadership, was delivered by Professor Nyitor Alexander Shenge, and moderated by Rev. Fr. Stephen Ogbeiye, one of the formators in Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan. Present at this intellectual forum were priests, religious, in house seminarians, seminarians from different Religious houses of formation, guests and lecturers of the Philosophy Department. 

At the lecture, the guest lecturer, Professor Nyitor Alexander Shenge, explained that, more is demanded of the Church’s clergy as leaders of the Church. Hence, functioning as a priest is holistic and involves various stakeholders and levels of interaction. Only impeccable character (ethics), high Emotional Intelligence and, above all, the Grace of God, can help the priest to succeed in his leadership carrier within the Church and society at large. He concluded with a take home message saying, “Clergy must exhibit high ethical standards and personal integrity. They must be aware of the responsibilities and positions of trust that accompany their work and exhibit this awareness by maintaining appropriate boundaries and exercising caution against all harm” (Code of Conduct for Clergy, Archdiocese of St. Paul Minneapolis, 2016). After a long period of interesting questions, responses and contributions, the programme came to a close with the Angelus prayer at about 6:00pm.


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