Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

As part of the concluding programmes to end the first semester of the 2020/2021 Academic/Formation Session, the Theology Department of the Seminary, organized a departmental lecture, which was held on Friday,February 19th, 2021. The Lecture, which was titled,Marcus Cicero: Roman Classical Heritage of Formation and its Implication for Priestly Formation, was delivered byRev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina, the Moderator of Students’ Affairs.During the lecture, heemphasized the fact that everything that pertains to formation should be channeled, not only to compliment the youth’s natural quality and personal judgment, but also to instill in them enthusiasm and passion for the attainment of the ideals and goals of the society in which they live. However, the process of guiding the person to attain this goal should not be laden with compulsion and exploitation, rather it must entice him to willingly take up the challenges of formation. In his recommendations given, he asserted that, “the young seminarian has to be brought up in a way to realize his identity, the rights, responsibilities and obligations that come to him as a result of this identity, and then the inevitability of working assiduously for the Kingdom of God, so as not to lose his claim to eternal salvation.”The event whichbegan at exactly4:00pm in the SeminaryAuditorium, was moderated by Sr. Florence Oso, EHJ and had both formators and Seminarians in attendance.

To end the event, the closing remarks were given by the Head of Department of Theology, Rev. Fr. Joseph Iyamah. This was immediately followed by the vote of thanks given by Rev. Fr. Daniel Koumah, and the event was brought to a close with the closing prayer led by Rev. Fr. Francis Adelabu, at about 5:20 pm.


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