Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

            “How wonderful it is when brothers dwell together”. This scripture verse captures the sentiments of the members of the 2019 set as they paid a visit to their alma mater, ‘Great Bodija’, from the 23rd to 24th of November, 2021. The two-day-encounter afforded the visiting priests the opportunity to fraternize and encourage Seminarians in formation. A sizeable number of the members of the class were in attendance and they participated in a number of activities like games, vespers and so forth that helped them feel at home once again in their alma mater. Upon their arrival on the 23rd of November, 2021, they joined the Seminary community at the vespers after which they moved to the refectory with the seminarians to share memorable moments of their stay in Great Bodija and to socialize with them. They were all introduced by the third senior prefect, Mr. Oguekhian Sylvester.

            As is customary, the members of the 2019 set concelebrated the Holy Mass on Wednesday, 24th of November, 2021, in thanksgiving to God for the gift of the priesthood they have received and for the formation they received in Great Bodija. The Mass was presided over by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Onyia, the class dean of the 2019 set. The homilist, Rev. Fr. Noel Ikhianosime, thanked God for the gift of the priesthood for himself and his classmates, a gift which is a call to witness to the gospel with one’s life. He thanked the Formators, who pruned them, and the Seminarians, who accompanied them in their process of discernment. He remarked that it is by divine providence that the memorial of the Martyrs, St. Andrew Dung-Lac, and Companions, coincided with their visit to the Seminary. The martyrs gave up their lives for the gospel and the priesthood is a call to witness to the gospel of Christ without reserve, a call to sacrifice our lives for the gospel in a world that is hostile and non-receptive. He admonished seminarians to accept the joys and sacrifices of formation in good faith because in the end, their endurance will win them their lives.

Later on, Rev. Fr. David John Oshioke, on behalf of the class, acknowledged and appreciated the Formators and the entire Seminary community, whose immense contributions to their formation aided them to attain the priesthood. He also introduced all his classmates present. He remarked that their presence is an expression of the love and gratitude they have for the Seminary. As a sign of the sentiment of gratitude, the class made a donation of N200,000 towards the development of the Seminary. The Dean of Students affairs, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina, on behalf of the Formators and the entire Seminary body, appreciated the 2019 set for their gesture of love, one which will serve as encouragement to the Seminarians. He also prayed for journey mercies for them as they returned to their various dioceses.

At the end of the celebration of the Holy Mass, there was a group photograph of the 2019 set with the Formators present. After which they departed for their various dioceses. It was indeed a nostalgic and euphoric experience for the members of the 2018/2019 set as they identified with the great citadel of formation that prepared them for the priesthood.



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