Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

It was indeed a memorable moment for the Seminary as a dinner party was held on the 1st of March, 2022, to officially welcome the new students to Great Bodija. This took place in the students’ refectory. The Dean of Students, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina was present and oversaw the event.

After the preliminary activities, there was a welcome address by Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina. He welcomed all to the event and remarked that the event marks the official recognition of the freshers. He reminded them that their stay in the Seminary is not only to attain virtues to live by here and now, but also for the future. He urged them to work towards the excellence that Great Bodija is known for and assured them that every member of the community of Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary is happy and ready to assist them to grow and positively contribute to the greatness of the Seminary.

 In the opening speech delivered by the first prefect, Rev. Peter Daniel Buoro, he welcomed the freshmen, that is, members of year one class and year four B, and enjoined them to be guided by the focus of the Academic Session, and advised them to always approach Jesus on their knees when the going gets tough. In his address, the class prefect of year two class, Mr. Peter Amiesimokhai Osikemuwe, urged the freshers to be on their best behaviour and utilize every opportunity they have to learn something new in Great Bodija.  Finally, the class prefect of year one class, Mr. Edward Aduba Onyinye, reassured all present of the willingness of members of year one class to be true and great ambassadors of the Seminary. He also solicited for the support of all those that are more experienced in terms of the demands of formation.

As the activities proceeded, different groups, pious societies and associations took turns in introducing their days of meetings to the freshers and enlightened them on the essence of their groups. After the vote of thanks was given by the second prefect, Mr. Adeosun Victor, the closing prayer was led by Rev. Okafor Dominic, while the Benediction was given by Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina. With this event, which takes place when freshers have been officially matriculated, the freshers were fully accepted and recognized as members of the community of Great Bodija and have automatically assumed the duties and responsibilities that are demanded of them.


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