Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Nigerian Major Seminaries Association of Philosophy Students (NIMSAPS), Bodija Chapter, held her week-long celebrations from 9th of May to 15th of May, 2022. The week-long event was filled with different intellectual and recreational activities, such as the competitions for Mr. Plato and Big Brother NIMSAPS, in which Ike Alvin emerged as Mr. Plato, and Boatman Anthony emerged as Big Brother NIMSAPS. There was also a football competition that saw the emergence of the Philosophy Three Seminarians as champions. In addition, there was a lecture on the topic, “Decoloniality, Epistemic Decolonization and the Project of Africanizing Knowledge”. It was delivered by Very Rev. Fr. Prof. Anselm Jimoh. He lamented the evils of coloniality of knowledge, which saw the enthronement of Euromerican standards as paradigms for knowledge. He eventually strongly recommended Afrocentricity as a necessary starting point, to remedy the epistemic damage of colonialism. The celebration of the week culminated in a thanksgiving Mass, on Sunday, 15th of May, 2022.


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