Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Saturday, October 29, 2022


On the 29th of October, 2022, the Seminary Community had her first Theology departmental lecture. The lecture titled: “Communion, Participation and Mission for a Synodal Church: The Task for the Nigerian Church,” organized by the National Association of Catholic Theological Students (NACATHS), under the aegis of our Seminary’s Theology department. The lecture was delivered by Fr. Richard Omolade, and moderated by Sr. Florence Oso, EHJ.

As a point of departure, Fr Omolade made recourse to history to explain how synods- a new staple in the life of the Church, morphed from being a gathering of the College of Bishops, to a gathering of all of God’s faithful. Referring to all of Christ’s faithful as companions on the barque of the Church, moving towards salvation. Fr Omolade described a Synodal Church as one were everyone lives in communion; A Church with people cognizant of their co-responsibility in the evangelizing mission. Reflecting on the heart-aching absence of communion in the Nigerian Church today, Fr.Omolade spoke at length, on how the whole discussion heaves with a great challenge for Priests and Religious, and more so for seminarians who are Sacerdotes in Fieri- priests in the making.


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