Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Friday, March 17, 2023


On the 17th of March, 2023, our Seminary’s Philosophy department had her first departmental lecture for the second semester, titled: “The Lord-Bondsman Dialectic and the Struggle for Socio-political Stability in Nigeria.” The lecture was delivered by Fr. Anthony Okonkwo, SDB and moderated by Dr. Ademola Lawal. Fr. Okonkwo’s lecture as the title suggests, centered around the concept of class stratification by one of the greatest thinkers in the modern era George Friedrich Hegel. Fr. Okonkwo took the entire audience on an odyssey with his explanation of the myriad of thoughts that characterized the modern epoch before the arrival of Hegel. From there, he analyzed the dialectic of the Lord-Bondsman, situating it in the context of Nigeria. He concluded his lecture, noting that this dialectic must be dissolved for us to experience the idyllic society that we ardently desire. Indeed, the lecture was as timely as it was educative.


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