Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Tuesday, January 23, 2024
On the Fourth Sunday of October 2023, designated for the World Mission Sunday by the
Universal Church, the Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul celebrated the World Mission Sunday
with a very enriching Mission Outreach, which attracted the presence of Consecrated Men and
Women, Lay Faithful, Youths and Children of the Archdiocese of Ibadan. The Holy Father, Pope
Francis had tagged this year’s Mission Sunday to be “Hearts on Fire, Feet on the move” (Cf.
Lk. 24:13-35). The Pope, through this year’s theme, urged all Christ faithful who are
missionaries on account of their baptism, to have hearts that yearn for evangelization and feet
that should never grow weary of moving from one place to another, especially to mission
territories, to evangelize. The Mission Sunday Holy Mass was celebrated in the Seminary
Chapel, and the special Mission Sunday collection was taken. All collections during the Mass in
toto et quam primum, are traditionally sent to the Office of the Pontifical Mission Society in the
Archdiocese, for onward transmission to Rome. The Holy Mass had in attendance in-house
Formators, Seminarians, Minor Seminarians of St. Theresa’s Minor Seminary, Oke Are, Ibadan,
members of the Pontifical Mission Society (PMS), Ibadan Archdiocese, the Seminary
Worshiping Community, Consecrated Men and Women from various Religious Institutes and
Congregations within the Archdiocese of Ibadan.
The Mission Outreach
After the Mass, by noon, a Mission outreach took place at the Seminary Auditorium. The
Mission Outreach featured a lecture, titled, The Road to Emmaus: A Journey of Faith and
Encounter. The lecture, which was well delivered, was given by Rev. Fr. Augustine Nwajagwu.
During his presentation, Fr. Nwajagwu reiterated that everything in this world is teleological. By
extension, as Christians, we duty bound to evangelize and bring the faith to others, since this was
a mandate given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ and we are expected to use all the means of
communication at our disposal. In a nutshell, our goal of evangelization is to tell people about
God’s love.
During this year’s mission outreach, the customary Mission Sunday Prayer was said by all
present. Other activities included the passing round of the crucifix and the Holy Bible, the
testimonies given by members of the thirty-two Religious Congregations in attendance, who
presented the spirituality and charism of their Institutes to the about 200 members of Ibadan
Archdiocesan Youth and PMS members. In attendance were Formators and Seminarians of
Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, and Seminarians of other sister houses of formation
domiciled in Ibadan. The Outreach also featured different drama presentations, dance
presentations from the various groups present, and light refreshments.


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