Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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The Celebration of the Rite of Candidacy
Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Apostolic Letter, of the Pope Paul VI, on First Tonsure, Minor Orders and the Subdiaconate, Mnisteria Quaedam (1972), expresses that the establishment of certain ministries by the Church was, from earliest times, for the proper ordering of worship and the service of God’s people as the need arose. However, some of the functions which were closely connected to the liturgy gradually came to be regarded as preparatory stages in the reception of sacred orders (priesthood). The reception of these ministries such as lector and acolyte, before entrance into diaconate and priesthood, are preceded by a rite regarded as Candidacy.  It is the rite by which the aspirant to the diaconate publicly manifests his desire to eventually ask to enter into Holy Orders. Hence, it is the first and all-important step towards ordination to the Sacred Priesthood.

The second year students of Theology of Saints Peter and Major Seminary, Bodija, having completed the 3-day recommended retreat period, were admitted to the Rites of candidacy. The occasion began with the celebration of the Holy Mass which was presided over by the Catholic Bishop of Auchi Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Gabriel Dunia. In his homily, he invited all to listen to the voice of God who calls us for the mission of His kingdom, encouraging those to receive the rite of candidacy to recognize the sacredness of the task ahead of them, and never to relent in their resolution to be instruments of God. At the end of the celebration was a group photograph of the bishop, seminary formators and the newly admitted candidates.


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