Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Wednesday, May 16, 2018


The third session of the sexuality seminar was held on the 16th of May, 2018. This session centered on three essential discussions namely:

a)      Reviewing our Psychosexual Story: Our Psychosexual Journey.

b)      The Dangers of Pornography on Psychosexual human development.

c)      Child Protection.

In the first discussion which was anchored by Sr. Evarista Ezeani, participants were asked to ponder and reflect on their psychosexual history, that is, their experiences of sexual feelings towards someone in the past; how they expressed such feelings and/or emotions, the impact such feelings had on them, how they managed such feelings, the mistakes they made in the management of such feelings, what they learnt from their mistakes and the challenging impact such feelings have on them in their present experiences. While sharing their experiences, participants were taught ways in which they can learn from their past in order to build a better future. Hence, they were enlightened on the Christian understanding of how to manage both their sexual feelings and emotions towards people and people’s advances towards them. In the management of their sexual feelings, participants were advised to avoid idleness and other activities that can provoke or arouse their sexual appetite such as watching of pornography.

In discussing the meaning and dangers of pornography on the psychosexual development of the human person, Fr. John Popoola taught that Pornography is a false creed that debases the human person and fuels or exposes one to all kinds of sexual deviations and violence such as lust, rape, etc. It is a virus that does not only rob the human body of its dignity and integrity but also destroys our psycho-religious understanding of sex. Hence, one who constantly exposes himself/herself to pornography is always going to have problems relating with people either as a priest or a married person. For celibates, it would be very difficult to be successful in the battle against lust when we embrace the seduction of pornography for most sexual abuses on children and vulnerable adults are consequences of constant exposure to pornography.

Sr. Esther Amowe, anchoring discussions on Child Protection enlightened participants on the dignity of the child and how best to relate with them without abusing them. She talked of different forms of child abuse and taught participants ways to manage children who are victims of child abuse. She also spoke of developing a child protection policy in any institution such as schools for children, youths and adolescent we are managing as Priests. Such policy should include training teachers on the proper way/manner to manage children as well as imploring them to sign an indemnity form that would exonerate the church or institution of their deviant attitudes towards the child. More so, she taught participants on the techniques and guiding principles in the proper management of children, as to avoid issues of set ups. In all discussions, practical case study instances were given and indeed the whole session was educative.


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