Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, October 21, 2018

On the 19th of October, 2018, the department of Theology had her first public lecture. The lecture which began at about 4.00pm took a critical swerve into the human and spiritual dimensions of priestly training. Intently, the lecture was centered on the seminary’s formation focus for the 2018/2019 academic/formation session namely; “Integrity, Docility and Interior Life in Priestly Formation”. The lecture was delivered by Rev. Fr. Wilfred Koujizer SMA and moderated by Rev. Fr. Francis Sohe SDV. The speaker fused the notion of integrity with sincerity of heart and purpose. He reiterated the words of Christ in Matt 6:21; where one’s heart is, their lies one’s treasure. So also, the integrity of a seminarian can be largely determined by the content of his heart. However, this heart must be rooted in the person of Christ the one true Priest. Therefore, those called by Him must become like Him daily by cleansing their hearts and seeking his face in prayer.


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