Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

World Mission Sunday is a very special day set aside to reflect and recommit ourselves to the mandate given to the Church to make disciple of all nations; it is equally a time for evaluating the strategies, promoting and supporting missionary activities. This vital point was mentioned in the homily of the day and again was reechoed by the rector during second phase of the Mission Sunday outreach celebration. Furthermore, the Chief Celebrant at the Holy Eucharist, Fr. Anthony Igbekele, emphasized the beauty and necessity of a life lived in imitation of Christ. He also pointed out the urgency of mission in our world. He ended his homily with an appeal to support the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS).


The second phase of the world Mission Sunday celebration took place in the seminary auditorium. The seminary, a community filled with young people on formation, opened her doors to the youths of Ibadan Archdiocese. Having said the mission prayer and the synod prayer, and having passed on the bible and crucifix as symbolic gestures of mission, the youths were entertained with musical presentations, dramas and interactive sessions.


The guest lecturer, Fr. Patrick Akunne OP, called for active involvement of the youths in the life of the Church especially in the parish setting. The youths, he said, should be, given more  tasks in love and in trust. Besides the Youths, several religious institutes such as: S.M.A, O.L.A Sisters, Daughters of Charity of the Most Precious Blood, Salesians, Oblate of St. Joseph, Eucharistic Heart of Jesus sisters, Vocationist and Capuchin Friars were also in attendance. More than 800 youths including seminarians were gathered at the well animated World Mission Sunday Outreach, the fifth of its kind in Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan.


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