Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Health is wealth, and knowledge is power, so say two popular maxims. The Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul, Bodija Ibadan is not only concerned with providing adequate healthcare for her seminarians, but continues to equip them with the resources to be in the know. Knowledge empowers us to take precautionary measures, for prevention as it is said is better than cure. In order to equip her seminarians with adequate knowledge to safeguard and guarantee their well-being, the Seminary in conjunction with Salus Trust organizes periodic health talks and seminars for seminarians. The first talk for this session is on Hepatitis.


“Hepatitis is worse than HIV AIDS”, says Dr. Eucharia Asogwa, a consultant of Salus Trust the health maintenance organization in charge of the seminary health care at an audience on November 8, 2018 in the seminary auditorium. Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver ranging from A, B, C-E. The most deadly are Hepatitis B, C and D, which when contacted, they are irreversible. They are contacted through the blood even sweat of an infected person. Dr Eucharia suggested numerous mediums through which one could curb being infected. More so, for general health, she implored brothers to drink more water against dehydration and she warns against prolong retention of metabolic waste in the body.


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