Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Friday, November 9, 2018

One could ask, why should we celebrate St. John Lateran Basilica located in Rome? Of what importance is it to celebrate a church building at all? In the Liturgy of the Hours, a prayer second only to the Eucharistic celebration (Mass), a primal position is given to the Dedication of churches even before the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Apostles. This is no accident as, all churches especially the cathedrals are to be dedicated. They are dedicated to God exclusively for sacred worship and they become a symbol of the spiritual Church which we are called to build up and extend (General Instructions to the Liturgy, 255). What is celebrated here is God making a home among his people.


This takes us to the first question. The basilica was a gift to Pope Miltiades by Fausta a consort of Emperor Constantine in 313. It has since served as the residence of the Pope for over 1000 years but today a museum. It is basically the Cathedral of the Bishop of Rome thus, the Mother of all the Churches in the world, even the St. Peter’s Square. Thus, the Seminary in her liturgy today joins the Universal Church to celebrate the feast of the dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica, to which our seminary chapel is somewhat connected.


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